10 Amazing Facts You Might Not Know About Steve Jobs


10 Amazing Facts You Might Not Know About Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was one of the most influential entrepreneurs in modern history, creating some of the world’s most beloved products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. He revolutionized industries like music, mobile communication, and media with unique user-centered design and deep creative insight. Here are 10 amazing facts you might not know about Steve Jobs

1) What was he like as a child?

His family described him as strong-willed and his mother as a perfectionist who made sure he kept his clothes tidy and was well-groomed. She also often took him to anti-war protests when he was young, which he said later had a big impact on his life.

2) How did he come up with the idea for Apple?

According to Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs, there was a period when he took a break from Apple and lived in India. It was on that trip that he came up with his vision for Apple. On a visit to an ashram, or spiritual retreat, he learned about sannyasins—people who devote their lives to achieving self-realization—and how they were able to sustain themselves on just fruit and nuts.

3) Which came first, the name or the company?

Most people probably assume that Apple Computer came first, but it didn’t. Steve and his friend Stephen Wozniak started designing Apple I—their first computer—in 1976, but they couldn’t figure out a name for their new business.

4) Why did the Mac make waves at first?

The look of Apple’s original Mac was wildly different from what existed in 1984, especially for a computer. It ran on a GUI (graphical user interface) and had a mouse—which wasn’t standard yet on PCs—as well as its distinctive handle-like case. The company also marketed it as a high-end item with an insanely great price.

5) What happened in between his time at Apple and his return?

It’s been almost 10 years since he stepped down as CEO of Apple, and more than three decades since he founded Apple with his friend Steve Wozniak. So it’s natural to wonder what he did during those lost years and what went on behind closed doors when he returned. Here are 10 things you might not know about his time away from Apple: 1.

6) Why wasn’t he fond of Windows products?

Steve Jobs was noted for saying things like, Picasso had a saying: ‘Good artists copy, great artists steal.’ We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas. He also said that he would love to put a ding in Microsoft’s dominance as an OS maker.

7) He was known for missing opportunities. Which ones did he miss out on?

1. In 1985, he was offered to buy Pixar for $5 million. He said no. Years later it sold to Disney for more than $7 billion in stock. 2. As early as 1986, he had a chance to buy Amazon from its founders for $50,000 but passed on it because he didn’t see any potential in an online bookstore; Amazon is now worth about $70 billion! 3.

8) Was he involved in any other ventures beyond Apple and Pixar?

Even though he is perhaps best known for Apple and Pixar, Jobs took part in a handful of other ventures. In 1986, with financial backing from venture capitalists who would later start Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Jobs co-founded NeXT Computer Inc., which made high-end workstations used by college and university professors.

9) Where did he get his entrepreneurial sense from?

He was always an entrepreneur at heart, even as a child. When he was just five years old, he rented his first board for $5.

10) He died young. How long would have lasted if he had lived longer?

In one of his final interviews, Steve Jobs said that if he’d known he was going to live past 50, he would have taken better care of himself. Regardless of how many years you have left on Earth (50 seems like a lot right now, but it goes by quickly), make sure to take care of yourself as much as possible so you can enjoy every second of your life.



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